doors open 19:30, start 20:00, entrance 6-18 (sliding scale)
Dividual space is the series at De Ruimte with music, performance art, dance, visual arts, theatre, poetry and spoken word. Dividu is a philosophical idea about man as multiplicity, the ever-changing man, according to philosopher Deleuze. Interesting ideas for the artistic brain!
Changing curators challenge a group of artists with very diverse artistic backgrounds to step beyond the boundaries of their own discipline and enter into new collaborations. They come together as artistic minds for some quality time and philosophize about their artistry and their connection. Every artist is asked to bring something of himself, to perform, something for which the moment or place has not been found before. Together they make a program in one day.
Leave your expectations at home and face the unknown together with them.
Raised in a tiny rural village in the north of the Netherlands, Michelle Samba left home at 16 to study percussion, sounddesign, performance and art. Now based in Amsterdam, Samba has contributed to many works from her peers in the dutch scene.
Fell in love with the accordion at the age of seven. From there her fascination with music expanded to anything with keys and buttons. Today Fieke’s profession as a music producer inspired her to send the accordion through guitar pedals, altering its sound beyond recognition. She sees art as a form of alchemy, and loves most the creation new mysterious sonic landscapes that lure the listener into the unknown.
Studied Woordkunst in Antwerp. She writes prose and non-fiction, makes theatre and radio. Her debut novel Het begin en zijn oneindigheid was published by De Arbeiderspers in May 2022. In all forms, her work relates to society and the question of how art and literature can contribute to it. Corinne regularly makes theatre plays and performances and read at Lowlands and Oerol. She made the performance Toen mijn vader nog een gastarbeiders was and The Pink Sheep of the Family with Het Zuidelijk Toneel in autumn 2019 and the summer of 2022. As a podcast maker, she is associated with Horens and collaborates on Radio Kras, Wie Wat Bewaart and Drie Uur ‘s Nachts.
is fascinated with sound. Working as a producer and multi-instrumentalist from his studio in the northeast of the Netherlands, he is constantly trying to find new sonic territories to explore. He is also a writer and performer for the interdisciplinary collective Het Kanaal. In any spare time he will either play with his band Vera’s Charmor practice the clarinet.
Is a performer and music-theatermaker based in Amsterdam. Within her art she is looking to implement her daily engagement in a playful way, using a mixture of music, performance and image. To do this she looks for collaborations to mix her knowledge with her co-creators into interdisciplinary realms. As a performer she improvises texts on music.
This photo was made during a residency in the Mimefabriek by Elliot Dehaspe
Mede mogelijk gemaakt door Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, VSB Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds en Fonds Podiumkunsten.