Dijkconcert: Seamus Cater
Saturday, September 28, 21h
Seamus Cater is a musician, writer, performer and organizer of the concert series DNK Amsterdam. We are happy to anounce that he will give a small concert in front of the old fireplace of our dijkhuis.
Our place isn’t very big, so it might be wise to send an e-mail to info@cafederuimte.nl to make a reservation. We appreciate a small contribution, as we don’t want to send Seamus home empty-handed.
Opinions from people that are supposed to know about music:
“With a refined mix of English folk, jazz and avant-garde music, this is one of most impressive folk records to be heard in recent times. From the opening track’s biography of Bas Jan Ader to the exquisite duet between re-tuned harmonica and ukulele on the closing number ‘Alexis Lapointe’, we’re on the edge of our seats listening. An utmost intelligent addition to a century old narrative (folk) tradition. Respectful, daring and without borders.” GONZO (circus)
“It is an almost unreal world both rooted and uprooted from the folk-inherited blood of Seamus and reinterpreted in between Robert Wyatt and his own most personal life; the circles of avant-garde which make up his background. I once would have said “destined to become a small cult” but I am increasingly aware that it’s a sentence without the slightest meaning.” Blow Up (Italy)