Space is the Place: Morris Kliphuis solo + Nielsdottír/Trapani/Ricci + Apricot My Lady
Thursday, November 22, music starts 21:00, €9 / students €6
Morris plays the horn. He has done so since about 1994. After years of playing and composing in the jazz, new music and improv scenes in Holland and beyond, among others with his trio Kapok, Morris felt it was time to finally try his hand at playing solo.
This project is about his relationship to the horn, that lovely, melancholy, unwieldy, mysterious brass contraption. It’s about exploring melody, texture, sound, time. It’s about standing alone on a stage with a mass of pipes and no plan.
After years of singing other peoples music Björk thought that maybe she could do some composing herself. Innocent little improvisations combined with songs in English and Icelandic. Björk has joined forces with guitarist Dario Trapani and saxophonist Nicoló Francesco Ricci in creating a world of open, intimate and raw soundscapes. They will release their first EP in the end of October with the indie label SMIT records.
Björk Níelsdóttir – voice | Dario Trapani – guitar | Nicolò Francesco Ricci – tenor saxophone
Sound artists Adam and Jonathan Bohman, Lukas Simonis and Anne La Berge formed the band APRICOT MY LADY in 2003. Since then they played some rare performances and recorded a lot of material.
They are using found objects, text, voice, samples, filters, mixers, pedals, violins, guitars and flutes to make the music they make. It might be (un)interesting to know whether this music is supposed to be ‘improvised’ or ‘composed’ or ‘heavily processed’ or even ‘spontaneously erected’. It’s all that and less, or none of that and more. It’s a totally obsolete music (?) that sits on it’s desert island waiting for nobody, heard by everybody (maybe with a slight Friday on its mind, but surely not in earsight).
Adam Nicholas Bohman – eviscerated violin, giant comb, eternal springs, light bulb, kitchenware, rack | Jonathan Bohman – boxed oscillators, black marble, Twickenham Singing Bowls, short guitar, string | Lukas Simonis – guitar with at least 10 pedals | Anne La Berge – flutes, filters and samples